Major Developments
Salisbury Major Developments
Please visit our archive for previous Major Developments. You can also view projects by their current project phase of Proposed, Under Construction, or Completed.
3 Proposed
Delorean Anaerobic Digestion Energy Facility
Project Phase: Proposed
Location: 1-2 Gidgie Court, Edinburgh SA 5111
Description: Waste to Energy Anaerobic Digestion Plant
Gardenia Drive Aged Care Expansion
Project Phase: Proposed
Location: 20-36 Gardenia Drive, Parafield Gardens SA 5107
Description: Alterations and Additions to Existing Aged Care Facility
Edinburgh Central
Project Phase: Proposed
Location: 1-5 Sturton Road, Edinburgh
Description: Mixed Use Development Comprising Industrial Tenancies, Retail Tenancies, Childcare Centre and Storage Yards
1 Under Construction
Coomurra Drive Precinct Land Divisions
Project Phase: Under Construction
Location: 16–18 Coomurra Drive to 47 Coomurra Drive, Salisbury Heights
Description: Residential land divisions
14 Completed
University of South Australia Solar Array
Project Phase: Completed
Location: 1–75 Mawson Lakes Boulevard, Mawson Lakes
Description: Ground mounted solar array
Vero Guard Systems
Project Phase: Completed
Location: 123–127 West Avenue, Edinburgh
Description: Industrial building with attached office
Aldi Park Terrace, Salisbury
Project Phase: Completed
Location: 41, 43-45, 47-49 Park Terrace and 10 and 14 Mawson Road, Salisbury
Description: Supermarket (Aldi – shop) with associated signage, car parking, earthworks and landscaping and removal of a regulated tree
Refer to: Proposal Plans (PDF)
Raytheon Australia
Project Phase: Completed
Location: 1-11 Technology Drive, Mawson Lakes
Description: Office and Workshop for Storage and Light Industrial Use